AstroSoc Events
In order to maintain an active and fresh club, we like to hold as many events as we can each month. We aim to have observation session once a week (weather permitting) and at times when the moon prevents good viewing conditions we hold a pizza and movie night. We meet in Car Park 9 for all events.
Observation Sessions
These sessions are held on the roof of the Physical Sciences building up at Flinders University. We usually meet in CarPark 9 near McHughes Cafe at the specified time and then head up to the roof for observation once the sun goes down. As the university is locked after hours we make sure we keep an eye on the door to catch any late comers. These session last as long as you are keen to keep on observing.
Pizza and Movie Nights
Once a month the moon fills the night sky producing less than desirable viewing conditions. At this time instead of going on the roof for observations we head indoors and set up our own mini theatre including massive screen and stereo surround sound, we even have the hot buttered pop corn. We watch a couple of movies and order in plenty of pizza. No one goes hungry and we always have a great time - all for only $5 for members.
Other Events
At various times during the year the club also holds astronomy lectures, BBQ's and Camps [see Yatina camp page]. We try to get professional astronomers in to give the talks which always prove to be both very popular and interesting. The BBQ's are good as they give everyone a chance to get together in a social context and discuss aspects of astronomy.